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Scientific Lead Members

The Ecosystem Restoration proof is formed by scientists with multidisciplinary backgrounds and specialties. Our research team is led by PhDs in environmental studies, and supported by a large list of consultants and experts within different ecosystems, that audit our proofs and services. 

Our Lead Scientific Members are:


Dr. Mark Chatting

Blue Carbon Expert

Dr. Mark Chatting has a wide experience in Marine and coastal environments worldwide. Acting in several underwater monitoring within coral reefs, seagrass, oyster beds, beaches and mangroves, his expertise place him as a lead researcher for managing large monitoring programs within blue capital resources. With great skills in numerical ecology and softwares Dr. Chatting is able to quickly process large ecological data sets for validating the ecological functionality of a given preservation/restoration action. His PhD in the Bangor University was grounded in Mangroves with large emphasis in Blue carbon assimilation and fixation and consequently place him as a expert in the "Blue Credit of Carbon"    

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Dr. David Smyth

Marine Restoration Expert

Dr. Smyth has worked with native oyster population dynamics for more than 20 years, his particular expertise is the passive / benign approach to bivalve restoration. He has extensive experience in establishing, monitoring and augmenting both subtidal and intertidal Ostrea edulis, pearl oyster and horse mussel populations. He is a predictive population modeler of invasive bivalve species, with Magallana gigas and Pinctada radiata species of interest. He is currently working on the DAERA funded; Native Oysters Northern Ireland project (NONI) and the Ulster Wildlife Trust Blue Carbon Habitats project. He is also an advisor to the Zoological Society of London "Wild Oysters" restoration hub in Wales.


Aquaculture, Biosecurity, Disease, Ecosystem Service Quantification, Historical Ecology, Invasive Species, Monitoring, Oyster Habitat Restoration, Public Outreach, Seed Production, Site Selection

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